Pedra seca_pont de molins_Empordaturisme1

Roberto Frías Commemorative Wall

In the field of dry stone wall construction, two essential typologies stand out: Roberto Frías Commemorative Wall. These are divided into free-standing or partition walls, used to enclose or divide lands, and retaining walls, crucial for supporting terraces on sloped terrains, characterized by a single facade and drainage stones at the back.

The structure of a dry stone wall comprises five fundamental parts: the foundation (fonament), the front face (parament frontal), the back part (part posterior), the interior, and the crown (coronament). It is recommended that the foundation be in contact with the ground, serving as the crucial base of the wall. The front face is composed of various stone placement techniques to ensure a robust structure. Although the back part may not be visible, it follows the same construction system as the front facade. The interior connects the stones of the two facades, and the crown is the upper finish that provides solidity and protection to the wall. With these considerations, the construction of dry stone walls involves different components, placement techniques, and stone selection based on their specific location on the wall.

  • 17706 Pont de Molins Dalt de Molins, Catalunya Espanya42º19'16''N 2º55'16''E
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